You can add Your Orkut Profile to Your Blog as mine.
Instead of having same old Blogger Profile.
Just click on “Add to Your Blog” button on right side bar.
Now it will direct you to Add Wideget Page of blogger.
If you have multiple blogs, select for which blog you want to add.
Then click on edit content & here you need to change feilds “Your Image URL”,
“Profile URL”,”Compose URL”,”Scrapbook URL”,”Testimonial URL” & “Teaser URL”
with your actual URLs.
After editing click on “Add”.
That’s it you are done! Your profile will be embedded into your blog!
For Send Teaser & Write Testimonial URLs you need to sign in as a different user.
These URLs you can get by logging in to orkut & for image URL right click on your pic & click on copy image location.Similarly for profile URL right click on “Profile” & click on copy shortcut. Replace these copied URLs with “Image URL”, “Profile URL” respectively. Procedure to get other URLs will be same.Do message me if you find this difficult.I will try to give you completely customized HTML code for your profile which doesn’t need any editing.
This HTML & graphics were created by Darnell Clayton of Inside Orkut