This is one of the oldest script I have created and used on Orkut. Just today only I came to know that I never posted about this!
Anyway technically its simplest script I have ever written.
#What it does?
Whenever you add someone to your friend list on orkut or approve any pending friend request, orkut takes you to a confirmation page showing two options!
Case 1: Adding someone to your friend List!
Case 2: Accepting a pending friend request!
Now all this script does is it clicks on send button in Case 1 and accept button in Case 2! Thus automatically confirming the action positively and redirect you to the next page!
- If you are in Firefox with GreaseMonkey extension installed you can click here to install Auto Confirm Friend Request Script.
- Download firefox if you don’t have it!
- Install GreaseMonkey extension for firefox. (SKIP this if you have GreaseMonkey too!)
- Close all firefox windows and restart firefox.
- Install Auto Confirm Friend Request Script