orkut is banned since it is restricted SOLUTION  


1) The Task manager shows up for 2-3 sec and then the message comes “—SORRY— –SAM–”.

2) When u try to access orkut then the message “Orkut is banned, don’t try to open it since it is restricted!!!” is displayed.

3) You cannot search anything related to the virus as the message “Obscene sites banned” or something like that is displayed.

4) You cannot unzip or extract any zipped files.

5) Most important one is that it also disables any antivirus.

6) You wont be able to open 80% of your software, there would be some or the other error.

Actually I could find out only these symptoms, there could be more of them.

Removal Instructions:

1) Restart the computer in Safe Mode by pressing F8 key during the restart and then selecting Safe Mode from the list.

2) Open the drive in which Windows is installed, in most cases it is “C:”.

3) Go to Tools > Folder Options > View, search for the Radio button “Show hidden Files and Folders”, check it. Just below it there is a check box “Hide Protected Operating System Files”, uncheck it.

4) Now in the ‘C:’ drive you will see a folder named “Config”, simply delete that folder.

5) Now Open the registry editor by typing ‘regedit’ in the run dialog box.

6) Go to the following Key :


Version\Run], delete the key whose path is something like this “C:\config\system.exe”

And another edit, just do the above action with the below mentioned key also


7) Restart the computer and you are done.

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