Basic Needs Of Hacking
1. Learn about hardware - basicly how your computer works.
2. Learn about different types of software.
3. Learn DOS.(learn everything possible)
4. Learn how to make a few batch files.
5. Port scanning. ( download blues port scanner if it's your first time)
6. Learn a few programming languages HTML,C++,Python,Perl.... (i'd recommend learning html as your first lang)
7. How to secure yourself (proxy,hiding ip etc)
8. FTP
9. TCP/Ip , UDP , DHCP ,
10. Get your hands dirty with networking
11. Learn diassembler language (its the most basic language for understanding machine language and very useful to ubderstand when anything is disassembled and decoded)
12. Learn to use a Unix os. (a Unix system is generally loaded with networking tools as well as a few hacking tools)
13. Learn how to use Exploits and compile them. (Perl and c++ is must)