21 Hacking E-Books  

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21 E-books

  1. Wireless Hacking - The Invisible Network
  2. Web Hacking- Attacks and Defence
  3. Underground Guide - Hacking - How to Crack Shareware
  4. The Hacker's Handbook
  5. The Newbies Handbook- How to begin in the World of Hacking
  6. Maximum Security - A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
  7. How to Make Key Generators
  8. How to crack any cd protection
  9. Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies
  10. Hacking the Cable Modem
  11. Hacking Secrets Revealed
  12. Hacking Into Computer Systems - Beginners
  13. Hacking for Dummies (Volume 2)
  14. Hacking - Firewalls And Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers
  15. Hacker's Desk Reference
  16. Hackers Black Book (German)
  17. Hack Attacks Revealed
  18. Google as a hacking tool
  19. Dangerous Google - Searching for Secrets
  20. Computer Science - Hacking Exposed Networks Secrets & Solutions (3rd Edition)
  21. Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications

Download Link:


Create your own f@ke login page!!! by Jotform  

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Fake login page is a fake page which you can use to hack others username and password. Fake login page looks exactly like the original page and if someone login in your page using his original username and password, the username and password will be mailed to youThe process of Hacking anyone’s id using fake login pages is known as Phishing
Now let’s learn how to create your very own fake login page.
{1} Open www.jotform.com and Sign Up.
{2} then Login there with your newly registered account.
{3} now click on ‘ Create your first form’.
{4} Now delete all the pre-defined entries, just leave ‘First Name:’ (To delete entries, select the particular entry and then click on the cross sign.)
{5} Now Click on ‘First Name:’ (Exactly on First Name). Now the option to Edit the First Name is activated, type there “username:” (for Gmail) or YahooId: (for Yahoo)
{6} Now Click on ‘Power Tool’ Option (In right hand side…)
{7} Double click on ‘Password Box’. Now Click the newly form password entry to edit it. Rename it as ‘Password:’
{8} Now Click on ‘Properties’ Option (In right hand side…). These are the form properties.
{9} You can give any title to your form. This title is used to distinguish your forms. This Title cannot be seen by the victim.
{10} Now in Thank You URL you must put some link, like http://www.google.com or anything. Actually after entering username & password, user will get redirect to this url.(Don’t leave it blank…)
{11} Now Click on ‘Save’. After saving, click on ‘Source’ Option.
{12} Now you can see two Options, namely ‘Option1′ & ‘Option2′. Copy the full code of ‘Option2′.{13} Now open Notepad text editor and write the following code their.Paste the Option2 code here
{14} And now save this as index.html. And then host it, mean you will have to put it on the internet so that everyone can view it. Now i think that you would be knowing it and if in case you do not know it please leave a comment with your email-id and i will mail you how to do it.Now you can view it by typing the url in the address bar.NOTE: If u want to send it to the internet, then first you will have to create a hosting account which you can create on www.110mb.com and there are many other sites which you can find on the internet very easily.I suppose that you created your account at 110mb.comnow login to your account then click on “File Manager”, then click on “upload files” or just “upload”. Then select the file which you want to send to the internet and click on upload. And you are done.Now you can access you file on the net by just typing the url ofthe file.And you will receive password of the users that login to your site through email-id which you’ve entered while creating the form.

Recover Lost Instant Messenger Passwords - GTalk, MSN,Yahoo! or Windows Live.  

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MessenPass is a password recovery utility that allows you to recover password(s) of all the popular instant messengers: MSN,GTalk, AOL,Yahoo!Messenger,Windows Live Messenger.

List of usernames and passwords recoverd by the application

The moment you run MessenPass, it automatically decrypts the available passwords, and displays all user name/password pairs that it found in the main window of the application.It will work even without running the messenger at that time.

Only condition is you have chosen the remember your password option in one of the above programs. And also you cannot use this utility for grabbing the passwords of other users, it works only for current logged-on user on your local computer.

This application also supports saving the usernames/passwords to a file instead of displaying on screen. If you want to save to a file directly then use the following switch while launching


»Download MessenPass

Rapidshare premium link generators  

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I know this topic interests everyone. Rapidshare was one of the best file hosting site available. It is very hard to bypass its restrictions. The only way out is to buy a Premium account. I have one bought a Premium account, being a premium user is very coool rather than to download as a free user. I have collected a list of RS premium link generators....

I know that many of them dont work... But still presenting a list of them.... Its your wish to test them...If something works good please notify me in the comments section.

  1. http://www.yourpremiums.com/
  2. http://megaez.com/
  3. http://khongbiet.com/
  4. http://mymegalink.net/
  5. http://rapid-hook.com/
  6. http://www.rapidl.com/
  7. http://www.rapidrip.com/
  8. http://computeraxes.com/rapid
  9. http://rapid-hook.com/
  10. http://www.rapidsharepremiumlinkgenerator.com/
  11. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  12. http://www.rapidshareplus.com/
  13. http://www.fastlister.net/rs/
  14. http://www.lcheat.com/rs7/
  15. http://rapid-ripping.com/
  16. http://x92.org/
  17. http://www.rapidshare.co.in/
  18. http://www.rapidleechers.com/
  19. http://www.rapidshare-premium-downloader.com/
  20. http://www.premium4me.com/rapid.html
  21. http://www.premiumrapid.com/rapid.html
  22. http://www.download-crazy.com/rapid
  23. http://www.grab-w.net/
  24. http://rapid.lin.co.il/
  25. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  26. http://rapidlysharing.com/
  27. http://www.t5f.net/
  28. http://www.rapid-premium.wb.st/
  29. http://www.premium4me.com/
  30. http://www.premiumrapid.com/

[ VB ] 26 Trojan sourcecodes  

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[VB]stealth eye
[VB]pzza cod
[VB]pasword crack
[VB]Messiah 2.0 [Private]
[VB]Controla Machine
[VB]Black Dream
[VB]Basic Trojan Horse


Remove Brontok Virus Urself  

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Its the most sticky virus ..
u can Remove it
be an ethical Hacker
It works~~!!

Start ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the followinf command to enable registry editor:-

reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
and run HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

after this ur registry editor is enable
type explorer
go to run and type regedit
then follow the following path :-

on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words.

after that restart ur system
open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer\ 'NoFolderOption'
delete this entry and restart ur computer

and search *.exe files in all drives (search in hidden files also)
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon.
u r computer is completely free from virus brontok.

30 best hacking softwares  

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30 best hacking softwares

i have collected 30 best hacking tools and softwares and i tryed working 100%
download this below ones

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


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This is a simple trick to hack bsnl broadband accounts...... no need to worry because it does not have any danger........

* know your ip address:- from this site:- http://www.whatismyip.com/
* Download:- ip scanner from site :-http://www.angryziber.com/w/Download
* open ip scanner.
* go to options tab\ select port\ and enter 80 in the 1st option. (enter port to scan)
* In the hostname option paste your ip address.....
* Click on the ip button next to the hostname(the one with a green arrow pointing up words..)
* After u click on it, it will automatically fill the ip range option..
* In the 1st option let it be your ip and the in the 2nd option fill ip greater than your.....(eg. ip your ip is then in the next option fill as
* click scan..
* it will give u a list of ips....
* there will be some ip's which will have a green light on its left side.
* select that ip and press :- ctrl +1 (not the no. pad one) or right click on that ip and select the option 'open computer' and then select the option in browser.....
* then it will ask for user name and pass.
* in user name type :- admin
* in pass type :- admin
* if it does not take try on other ip's with green light.
* when the page gets open go to home and click on 'WAN'.
* there u will get the users id and pass in coded form....
* download this password revealer:- http://www.scanwith.com/X-Pass_download.htm
* Extract file from that and then run 'x-pass'.
* drag the 'x' icon in the pass. field and u will get the pass.
* to check the pass :-

thats it........ enjoy..........
Note: This trick usually work for me and my friends but i can say theat it would work with your network too.

FBI Forensic Field Kit : Wireless Hacking Live DVD  

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This is the ultimate bootable Disk for the agent, (or wannabe agent)

Live CD with all the tools you need to hack a WLAN / wireless Access point -
Linux Live-CD

For details what is inside this please check


Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

(above one is checked by me and is working perfectly)


Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Hacking Software Collection  

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Trojan Horse
- Yuri RAT
- MofoTro
- Charon
- Beast
- Omerta
- Theef
- Combined Forces R.A.T
- MoSucker
- ProRat
- Elite Keylogger
- KeySpy
- A++++
- Curiosity
- Keylogger
- KeyCopy
- Daemon Crypt Public v2
- NT Packer v2.1
- EES binder v1.0
- File Injector v3
- Bytes Adder
- FreshBind v2.01
- YAB v2.01
- NakedBind v1.0
- Amok Joiner

Brute Forcer
- Munga Bunga 's Official
- Brutus - Authentication Engine Test 2
- wwwHack v1.946
- FTP Brute Hacker
- FTP Brute Forcer.tar.gz - Unix
- Wbrute.tar.gz - Unix
- Shadow Scanner-Brute Forcer
- Hackers Utility v1.5
- POP3 brute forcer.tar.gz - Unix
CGI-Bug Scanner
- NStealth HTTP Security Scanner v5.8
- Attack Toolkit v4.1 & source code included
- Scanarator
- Legion NetBios Scanner v2.1
- NetView v1.0
- CGI Vulnerability Scan
- CGI Scanner v4.0
- VoidEye CGI scanner
- Hippi virus
- Sasser
- W32. Blaster .Worm
- Midnight Massacre
- 00001
- Nimda
- Loveletter virus
- Happy '99
Virus Builder
- VBSwg 2 beta - Virus builder
- p0ke's WormGen 2.0
- RESIDUO - DoS Virus
MSN Hack & Bot
- HoaX Toolbox 1.1
- MSN Extreme 3.0
- MessenPass v1.06
- Advanced Blood Scroller
- Nudge Madness
- Advanced Instant Messengers Password Recovery
- Contact Spy
- Msn Explosion
- Encrypted Messenger
Port & IP Scanner
- Blues Port Scanner
- ProPort v2.2
- SuperScan v3.0
- Net Scan Tools v4.2
- LanSpy v2.0
- Bitchin Threads v3.1
- Trojan Hunter v1.5
- SuperScan v4.0
- Neotrace PRO v3.25 trial&crack
Nukers And Flooder
- Rocket
- RPCNuke
- Panther Mode1 - 56k
- Panther Mode2 - ISDN +
- Final Fortune
- Battle Pong - Technophoria
- Assault
- ICMP Nuker
- Telnet Tutorial
Hacking software Collectin

Eccouncil - Certified Ethical Hacker v5 Instructor  

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Eccouncil - Certified Ethical Hacker v5 Instructor

for deatils about this go to http://www.eccouncil.org/Course-Outline/Ethical%20Hacking%20and%20Countermeasures%20Course.htm . Guys this is awesome for the beginners and even professional hackers should also read this becuse every one should be up to date.

Some main topics :-
1 Introduction to Ethical Hacking
2 Footprinting
3 Scanning
4 Enumeration
5 System Hacking
6 Trojans and Backdoors
7 Sniffers
8 Denial of Service
9 Social Engineering
11 Session Hijacking
12 Hacking Web Servers
13 Web Application Vulnerabilities
14 Web-based Password Cracking Techniques
15 SQL Injection
16 Hacking Wireless Networks
17 Virus and Worms
18 Physical Security
19 Linux Hacking
20 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
21 Buffer Overflows
22 Cryptography
23 Penetration Testing

CEHv5 Instructor Slides (59.6 mb)

Splited files ( 6 parts)
  1. part01
  2. part02
  3. part03
  4. part04
  5. part05
  6. part06
  7. part07
  8. part08
  9. part09

Certified Ethical Hacking  

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Module 1 - Legality
Module 2 - Footprinting
Module 3 - Scanning
Module 4 - Enumeration
Module 5 - System Hacking
Module 6 - Trojans and Backdoors
Module 7 - Sniffers
Module 8 - Denial of Service
Module 9 - Social Engineering
Module 10 - Session Hijacking
Module 12 - Web Application Vulnerabilities
Module 13 - Web Based Password Cracking Techniques
Module 14 - SQL Injection
Module 15 - Hacking Wireless Networks
Module 16 - Virus and Worms
Module 17 - Physical Security
Module 18 - Linux Hacking
Module 19 - Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots
Module 20 - Buffer Overflows
Module 21 - Cryptography
Module 22 - Penetration Testing Methodologies

  1. Part01
  2. Part02
  3. Part03
  4. Part04
  5. Part05
  6. Part06
  7. Part07
  8. Part08
  9. Part09

Command Prompt  

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  1. Uninstalling Windows from Command Prompt
  2. Put The Command Prompt Where You Want It
  3. Chat with command prompt
  4. To create a Copy To command to Right Click Context Menu
  5. Command Line Help Reference
  6. List of F1-F9 Key for cmd prompt
  7. see using hidden files using DoS
  8. changing the DOS background colour
  9. Some IP commands.......
  10. hidden dos commands
  11. all run commands!!
  12. all DOS commands!!
  13. If Run command is disabled
  14. Watch movie in ms dos!!!!!!!
  15. DOS hacking
  16. DOS tricks!!

Back To Home

All About XP  

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  2. How To delete an "undeletable" file in XP
  3. Hiding User Accounts On Logon Screen In XP
  4. Change STARTUP and SHUTDOWN sounds in XP
  5. Add Sound For Every Event in Windows xp
  6. Disable the Inbuilt CD-Burning - Windows XP:
  7. How to Restrict Logon Hours in Windows XP:
  8. Remove MSN Messenger from the Windows XP:
  9. Chnage the Thumbnail Size in Windows XP:
  10. Boot Defragment in Windows XP:
  11. Restoring a Lost Desktop in Windows XP:
  12. Missing Folder Option in Windows Xp - Solution:
  13. Multiple Yahoo Mesenger in Windows XP
  14. Hiding Drive - Windows XP
  15. Block USB in Windows Xp
  16. How to Make Windows Xp Look Like Windows 98
  17. How to Use the Remote Desktop Connection in Xp
  18. How to Type a Different Language on Windows XP
  19. How to Speed up a Windows XP Computer
  20. How to Remove a Virus and Repair Windows XP for Free
  21. How to Password Protect Safe Mode in Windows XP
  22. How to Login to Windows XP as the Administrator
  23. How to Log on to Windows XP if You Forget Your Pasword
  24. How to Format the C Drive on a Windows Xp Sp2
  25. How to Install Drivers for "Unknown Devices" in Window xp
  26. How to Do a Windows XP "Repair Install"
  27. How to Disable/Enable the Windows XP Welcome Screen
  28. How to Disable Right Click in Windows XP
  29. How to Change a Windows XP Product Key
  30. How to Backup Windows XP without S/w
  31. Hiding User Accounts On Logon Screen In XP
  32. hack windows XP passwrd!!
  33. how to fix corrupted files of XP!!!
  34. AUTOMATING the installation of XP!!!
  35. make xp origional
  36. Hidden XP Programs.
  37. Hiding Drive In WIN XP
  38. Recover the lost administrators password in Window
  39. Uninstalling Windows from Command Prompt
  40. How to rename the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin.
  41. hiddden programs in ur windows
  44. Opening an Explorer Window to the Directory You Want
  45. Hide the Users from the Windows LogOn Screen:
  46. Turn-Off Windows Messenger:
  47. How to Make a Windows Desktop Into Youtube
  48. How to Delete Windows Genuine Advantage Notification
  49. How to Use Ready Boost in Windows Vista
  50. Worst Windows Feature
  51. Make ur Windows Genuine using notepad!!!!
  52. to lock a folder in windows!!
  53. Hiding Folders in windows - the Hackers way
  54. Where does Window's ProductId get stored ?

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Computer Tricks  

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  1. Computer Tricks
  2. Coool Tricks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Firefox Tricks  

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  1. Google Reader Firefox integration
  2. Mozilla Firefox Shortcuts
  4. Make Firefox Three Times Faster.......
  5. Setup and Use PROXY with Firefox
  6. How To Download File From Megaupload Using FireFox...
  8. FireFox Making World record
  9. [1337]Hide Your IP, Using Firefox
  10. Coolest Firefox Tricks
  11. multiple logins through firefox!!
  12. Multiple Firefox Profiles at the same time - Firef...
  13. some tricks
  14. Orkut tips tricks for orkut Freaks
Back To Home


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  1. Google search tips for hacking
  2. Theme for Gtalk
  3. Gtalk tips and tricks
  4. Google Reader Firefox integration
  5. Google Pack
  6. Services Provided By Google
  7. How To: Load Gmail Faster
  8. Multi Google talk!!!(really working)
  9. Adding Google Talk in Orkut Sidebar
  10. Simply Google: All about Google
  11. Google Advanced Search:Mp3 Search
  12. Some Important Tips about Gmail
  13. Download TORRENT using Google
  14. Google Search Tricks
Back To Home

Some Important Tips about Gmail  

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how2_gmail_1.jpgTired of stingy ISPs imposing arbitrary email restrictions on you? Yeah, so are we. 1MB attachment limits, 25MB storage limits, and restricted SMTP servers are sooo 1997. For a 21st-Century mail experience, step up to Gmail.

We know what you’re thinking: Webmail is webmail. But with 2.7GB of storage, 10MB attachment allowances, and an array of easy hacks that let you customize your mail account in almost any way you like, Gmail may be the most powerful e-mail tool the world has ever known. But enough of our yammering. Here’s how to turn your Gmail account into a messaging dynamo, and more.

1. Use Gmail as an Online Storage Vault
Need to keep important files handy? You don’t necessarily have to shell out 100 bucks for a high-capacity thumb drive. Instead, use Gmail’s free 2.7GB of storage as an off-site backup for the files you need access to. The easiest way is to simply attach your file to an email and shoot it to your Gmail account. Then you can retrieve it at any time just by logging in and running a quick search of your inbox. Of course, Gmail’s 10MB attachment limit means you won’t be able to archive massive documents. But it’s a great way keep your most essential files handy wherever there’s an Internet connection.

To take even greater advantage of Gmail’s free storage space, you’ll need to download a helper app. Firefox users can download Gmail Space from Mozilla’s Firefox Add-ons library, which turns the web browser into an easy-to-use file explorer. The extension lets you drag and drop files directly into Gmail’s storage space, without having to worry about the attachment size limit.

Alternatively, you can download Gmail Drive Shell Extension (free) for more ubiquitous access throughout your Windows PC. Gmail Drive Shell Extension sets up your Gmail storage space as a network drive on your PC, which you can access simply by double-clicking the GMail Drive icon in My Computer and then entering your Gmail username and password. Once you log in, your Gmail storage will act just like any other drive on your PC. It even works with Windows Vista.

2. Filter Your Mail with Positive Thinking
The lowly plus sign gets little respect in this crazy, mixed-up world. But if you use it the right way with Gmail, it could become your new best friend. By adding a plus sign and a filter tag to your own Gmail address, you can figure out which of the sites that you’ve brazenly given your address to are turning around, stabbing you in your tender, fleshy backside, and selling it to every half-witted Pr0p3cia spammer on the net.

This little hack doesn’t require a single tweak to your Gmail settings. Instead, just use the plus/tag every time you enter your address into an online form. Our favorite method is to use the name of the site you’re visiting as the tag, so it’s easy to track later on. So if you buy some vintage kicks at Raresneakers.com, enter your email address as username+raresneakers@gmail.com.

Gmail ignores the plus sign and everything that comes after it, so messages sent to that address will still make their way to you. But if that site sells your address to its spamifying associates, you’ll know just by peeking at the To address in the header. How you choose to exact revenge is entirely up to you.

You can also use this tip to set up filters for registration codes, listservs, and anything else!

how2_gmail_3a.jpg3. Take Notice with a Notifier
You don’t have to log into Gmail every time you want to see if you’ve got mail. Instead, download a Gmail notifier. Although it isn’t prominently featured on the Gmail site, Google’s own Gmail Notifier is a free download. If you’d rather not install a system tray icon, you can always use a Gmail plugin for Firefox. Gmail Checker is a low-profile plugin that requires barely a second thought to keep track of. But if you want to check multiple Gmail accounts from within Firefox, check out Gmail Manager.

4. Import Your Old Mail into Gmail
If you decide to switch to Gmail completely, you’ll probably want to bring your old contacts and messages along for the ride. Importing your contacts is easy (just click Import in the upper-right corner of the Contacts screen and select a CSV file exported from your old mail app). Importing your old email takes a little more doing.

One of the easiest ways to get your old mail into Gmail is to download Mark Lyon’s Gmail Loader (aka GML), which you can download from www.marklyon.org/gmail/. This simple little utility will transfer messages in the mBox format (including Thunderbird, Eudora, and Netscape mailboxes) into Gmail. Transferring your mail is as easy as downloading the app, launching it, entering your Gmail login info, browsing for your mailbox folder, and clicking Send to Gmail.

To transfer Outlook mailboxes, try Outport, which can transfer messages from Outlook to a host of other mail readers, including Gmail. Like GML, Outport has a fairly simple GUI that’s easy to navigate, so you can get the job done quickly and with a minimum of mucking around.

Sadly, Gmail will stamp all the imported mail with the date on which you do the import, rather than preserve the original received dates from each of your imported messages. However, you can still find imported messages by date, because the original received dates are retained within the body of the messages. So simply searching for “Nov 06” will help you find all messages from November of 2006.

how2_gmail_6.jpg5. Turn Gmail into an MP3 Player
In the interest of convenience, Gmail has its own built-in audio player for use with file attachments. You can put it to work as an online MP3 player by using labels and mail filters to sort your files.

First, set up a label called MP3. Next, set up a filter that searches for MP3 content by clicking Create a Filter at the top of the screen. Enter “mp3” in the “Has the words” field and check the box marked “Has attachment.” This will search for any messages with music files attached (including any you may have uploaded using the GMail Drive Shell Extension mentioned earlier). Now click Next Step and check the box marked “Apply the label” and choose the label MP3. Now any time you want to pump up some jams, you can click the MP3 label on the left side of your screen and pick a tune from the list.

6. Email Impersonator
Just because you’ve switched to Gmail, that doesn’t mean you have to give up your old email address. Gmail lets you send messages that appear to come from another address. In the settings pane, click Accounts and then choose “Add another email address,” then enter the address you’d like to use. To prevent you from ruining someone else’s life by masquerading as them on the Internet, Google will send a test message to verify that the address belongs to you. Then you can choose to make that new address your default identity, so nobody needs to know that you’re really sending from Gmail. To complete the transformation, set up a forwarder for your other address’s account, so that all of your mail reaches your Gmail account.

Back To Google

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Google Advanced Search:Mp3 Search  

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Search mp3 using google advanced method :

%s intitle:"index.of" "parent directory" "size" "last modified" "description" [snd] (mp4|mp3|avi|flac|aac|ape|ogg) -inurl:(jsp|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml|lyrics-realm|mp3-collection) -site:.info

Here %s is the name of song.Type the above code in google search box.

If u r using firefox bookmark the searched page and give it a keyword by opening its properties and type %s in place of search item.
tum bin intitle:"index.of" "parent directory" "size" "last modified" "description" [snd] (mp4|mp3|avi|flac|aac|ape|ogg) -inurl:(jsp|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml|lyrics-realm|mp3-collection) -site:.info

here replace tum bin with %s.

To save mp3 use "RIGHT CLICK AS"

Back To Google

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How To: Load Gmail Faster  

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Hi guys, of late, gmail has been loading very slowly for me. This means that, when ever I give my username and password at the login screen, after successful login, the screenshot shown below displays.

Gmail Loads SlowlyWhen that happens we hate to wait for infinitely long times. So, I discovered a simple hack through which you can eliminate that screen.

Notice that the address bar contains the URL of the format http://mail.google.com/mail?auth=DQAA etc.

Now, all you have to do is, change the “http://” in your browser’s address bar to “https://”, which means the URL will now look like https://mail.google.com/mail?auth=DQAA etc. Press Enter. Gmail loads faster.

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Multi Google talk!!!(really working)  

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You don't need to download anything but simply change the command line parameter.....

like this

1)Right click on the Google Talk shortcut.
2)click on Properties.
3)Go to Shortcut tab on Google Talk Properties window.
4)On the Target textbox, add in the /nomutex to the end of the line so that it looks like below (or you can simply copy and paste the below syntax and replace the original).
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
5)Click on OK.

i didn't have to do anything after this nd clicking on the shortcut multiple times just gave me different googletalk window

however if that don't work then just try this out!!!!

To create a new shortcut for Google Talk:

1)Right-click on the desktop or anywhere you want to place the GTalk shortcut.
2)Select New on the right click context menu.
3)Then select Shortcut.
4)Copy and paste the following line to the text box when prompted to type the location of the item:
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex

5)Click on Next.
6)Give the shortcut a proper name such as Google Talk or Google
Talk Multiple or Google Talk Polygamy.
8)Click OK until you are done.

If you have hex editor, you can act like a hacker and modify the bits in Google Talk program so that it will always allow multiple instances of GTalk to be launched whether the /nomutex switch is specified or not.

Launch hex editor and open googletalk.exe, then search for the following patterns in the hex editor:

004536FD . 3BC6 CMP EAX,ESI
004536FF . 75 05 JNZ SHORT googleta.00453706

Modify the string to look like the following:

004536FD . 8BC1 MOV EAX,ECX
004536FF . EB 05 JMP SHORT googleta.00453706

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Google Pack  

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What is the Google Pack?
StatusGoogle Pack is a free collection of essential software from Google and other companies. The software in the Google Pack helps you browse the web faster, remove spyware and viruses, organise your photos and more. Learn more about each of the programs in the Google Pack.

Google Pack also takes the hassle out of downloading, installing and updating software. You can download and install the entire Google Pack in just a few clicks. And the included Google Updater helps you discover new programs and keep your current software up to date.

What is the Google Updater?
The Google Updater is the program that downloads and installs all the software in the Google Pack. You can use the Google Updater to monitor the status of your installation, run software that has been installed or uninstall software. A Google Updater icon will appear in your system tray and will display notifications when there are updates or new software available.

Is all the software in the Google Pack free?
Yes, all the software in the Google Pack is free. Some programs may offer paid versions that provide additional features or ongoing updates, but you'll never have to install the paid versions, and your free version will continue to work as long as you have it installed.

The version of Norton AntiVirus in the Google Pack includes 6 months of protection updates that enable the program to identify and remove new threats. If you'd like to continue receiving these updates after 6 months, you'll need to purchase an update subscription from Symantec. Purchasing a subscription is optional.

Do I have to install all the software in the Google Pack?
While we believe you'll find all of the software in the Google Pack useful, you're welcome to install as much or as little as you'd like. To customise your installation package, please click the "Add or remove software" link under the "Download Google Pack" button on the Google Pack homepage. On the following page, simply uncheck the box next to any program you'd prefer not to receive, then proceed through the installation process.

What if I already have some of these programs installed on my computer?
For programs you select that you already have installed on your computer, the Google Updater checks whether you have the latest version. If you don't, the Google Updater will install the latest version. If you already have the latest version, the Google Updater won't install the program.

Software in Google pack:

Google Software Included
Picasa - Photo organiser
  • Find, edit and share your photos in seconds
  • Easily remove red eye and fix photos
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - Search toolbar
  • Search with Google from any web page
  • Block annoying pop-ups

Google Photos Screensaver - Photo screensaver
  • Display photos from your PC and photo sharing sites
  • Watch cinematic slideshows
Additional Software Included
Mozilla Firefox with Google Toolbar - Web browser
Mozilla Corporation
  • Browse the web quickly and securely
  • Switch between pages quickly with tabbed browsing

Adobe Reader - PDF reader
Adobe Systems
  • View, print and search PDF files via a redesigned interface
  • Secure your documents and collaborate via online, real-time meetings

Norton Security Scan - Security utility
  • Detects and eliminates viruses and Internet worms
  • Free detection updates and scheduled scanning
Spyware Doctor Starter Edition - Antispyware utility
PC Tools
  • Detects and removes spyware, adware, trojans and keyloggers
  • Includes Smart Updates and scheduling to protect your PC
RealPlayer - Media player
  • Play popular media formats, organise music and videos
  • Transfer music to iPod and other portable media players
GalleryPlayer HD Images - Images
  • High-quality artwork and photos
  • Perfect for your screensaver or desktop
Skype - Voice, video and chat
  • Make free voice and video calls to anyone else on Skype
  • Call landlines and mobile phones at pretty low rates
To download Google pack click here

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