Eliminating the Right Click on the Desktop
To eliminate the right click on the desktop:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
3. Add a DWORD and give it a name of NoViewContextMenu
4. Give it a value of 1
5. Reboot
These are only three tricks…..there are many more available on net…..the idea here is not to teach you how to disable right click or how to change the color, fonts, looks, etc…..The basic reason why we post this chapter is to teach that if registry is the place where all the information is stored then why cant we brake passwords from here???
E.g. I install a software on my system to guard some folders which contain material which I want to hide. In order to access the folder I have to input a password, and if it is right only then I can see the content of the folder. From this example it is clear that the password is stored somewhere in the system from where the software compares the value which I enter in the password field. For this example as well as for every other software which asks for password to access the system features including the windows login password, all these values are stored in windows registry. Whenever the user enters a password, it is compared with the value stored in the system registry, and if it is found correct only then the user is allowed to access the feature. In Windows registry we can search for specific items, keys, values or software’s using the search function in edit menu. But there is one problem the password is not stored in its original form, it is converted to some other format so that no one can recognize it. E.g.; If I set the password as “hacking” it is stored as “6167453291” or may be some other form depending upon the software. In such cases what we can do is reset the password i.e. delete the value (whatever it is). Once the value is deleted there is no password and our purpose is solved.