Best hacks for orkut
As I'm Orkut user I like these sites and Orkut hacks on it, the following are some of my collection regarding Orkut hacks
1) Zeetab(Orkut Star) - Computer World, Orkut Computer Tips and Tricks, Free Sms, Wallpaper, Mobile Software Game Ringtone Themes, Free games, Orkut Software, Bollywood wallpaper, MP3, FM Rradio and many more
2) (TIO) - This Is Orkut (T.I.O) was created to provide more info and help tracks to Orkut users for their convenience. Easy to use Java Scripts, Online Toolbars, Help References, Trouble shooters, and lot more....
3) - Crazy souls have created many orkut scripts and they are really useful and working. Not only scripts they also profide stuffs for MSN, Cheets and many more
4) - Here, on this website, you will find tips and tricks that will help in making your life easier on Orkut. This webpage also contains many sftware related to Orkut
5) Tools Home - This site is developed by 15 yr Old boy, this site contains some cool stuffs and software
6) - This site provide services like Messages, Generators, ASCII Art, Bar Arts, Images, Emotions, Smailies and many more
7) Orkut Underworld - This is blog which have awesome collection of orkut tips and tricks, softwares and many more. In short simple blog but useful blog
8) - In the world of Orkut tricks! You find only GENUINE and popular orkut tricks and scripts here. Browse through the menu for those tricks but they also provide some hacking tricks of orkut
9) - According to me this is the best of all because this website posts all the current information in orkut, this website is very useful for begineers and also for everyone
10) OrkutPlus! - Orkut plus is really a Plus to Orkut they are providing Best Compilation of Orkut Hacks, Tips-Tricks and Cheat Scripts ! as they are publishing
11) Devils workshop - This blog contains not only tips and tricks for Orkut it also having some best collection for My space, You tube, Google, Ad sense, and many more. More over I like the labels cloud on that blog
12) Digital Me - this blog just started before 2 months but it contains wide range of softwares, Java scripts, GM scripts, etc..
I'm still having many collection of website but this dozen of sites will do all what you want to known about orkut, so it wont be useful even if I provide more, from this website you can communication in orkut reaches next generation
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