bRoAdbAnd HaCkIng bY Dark Hackers...............  

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hi guys due to high internet bills in india i hve got a simple solution to decrease it .... no m nt providing any software ..... but m gona thaught some tricks how to hack a broadband . means u ll be able to use someother person id and password and enjoy downloading . so
1st step download an ip scanner mainly angry ip scanner
2nd step download Password Revealer .

Programs and web sites that remember our passwords are pretty handy. The Window opens showing the asterisks (****) covering the password, we click Ok and we're in. But what happens if we forget that password and need it again for something. We either didn't write it down or forgot where it was written. That's where Password Reveal comes in. Grab the target icon with the mouse button, drop it on the password box and it uncovers the password. Password Reveal works on most programs and Web Pages.


3 go to ip scanner and go to the broadband dialer and go to detail tab and in the last is ur ip then type the same ip in the ip scanner in the first box and in the other type the last value as 255 example 123.233.55.[255]
now press start then u ll get all the live ips and select any one and copy the ip by double clicking on it copy it and paste it on internet explorer 6 (cse ip scanner works only in ie 6) then the login box apear then type admin (in id box)
admin / password (in password box)
then walllla u hve entered the admin then go to wan press edit and go to page where the id and password is saved now its time to on password reveler . go to web and get password and then ull get the password now enjoyyyy u hve the password and id ................................................................................................

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