Clipboard hacking  

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Ever wondered why you can not copy password from password field.....????? Answer is because of possibility of getting your password hacked through the Clipboard!!!!!

How this Clipboard Hack is done?

Every time you copy text using CTRL+C or CTRL+Insert, it gets stored in the Clipboard. And then from Clipboard it can be easily retrieved over the internet by using simple code in JavaScript and ASP or CGI or PHP etc.

This is the JavaScript source code to get the text from your Clipboard:

Code: JavaScript
How to prevent Clipboard Hack?
1. Go to internet options->security
2. Press custom level
3. In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operations via script.

This makes contents on Clipboard safe and you are ready to surf the internet without fear. However, it is recommended not to keep sensitive data (such as passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while internet is on. It is very easy over the internet to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information.

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