Top orkut tips & tricks used mostly are…  

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1. Knowing a person email id in Orkut.

* Ignore the person in orkut you want to know the Email id.
* Open your Gtalk with same account as for Orkut.
* Go to Settings -> Blocked. in gtalk
* You will see the email id of that person.

2. Write Anonymous Scraps to anyone at orkut

* Create a fake account at orkut
* Write the scraps to the person you want.
* Delete the account and your scraps will become anonymous at orkut.

3. Finding those who has a crush on you in orkut.

* Add the one you think might have crush on you.
* If that person have already added you to their crush list , you will get an email.
* delete all from your crush list.

4. Write a Blank Scrap to anyone in orkut.

* Delete everything in the text box field.
* Now holding “alt” key down press 0 1 7 3 one after the other from left to right.
* That it..done
* Click Post Scrap or Submit.

5. Writing your text in reverse order at orkut.

* Type your text in the scrapbook.
* Type & # 8 2 3 8 without spaces before the message.
* Click Submit or Post scrap.

6. How to by pass the verification image while posting a url in a scrapbook in orkut.

* Change http to HtTp and www to wWw.
* Now post the scrap
* No Verification now needed.

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